Sounds to me like he has a real desire to run the govt by the Constitution. The How and What Not will come later with a man with a right heart.
I haven't heard anything bad about him. I haven't heard one report of him waffling and switching directions to suit voter opinion polls. He sounds like a christian, conservative, small govt Constitutionalist. He makes the communists nervous, as evidenced in this thread, he males the RINO's nervous, he's not an established career politician but yet he clearly understands the game.
I don't understand what's not to like about the guy?? If you want to take the country back would you like a more experienced politician and WHY? Isn't career politician synonymous with "they're the problem"?
Look how much bad our inexperienced Pres is able to accomplish. Based on that alone, don't you think a man bent on smaller govt and fiscal responsibility could have a significant impact on our lives for the better?

Again, as far as I can see, there's no reason to want for more at this time. Maybe that will change. I will say, I wish he was a little less comfortable with the role of political speaking. Maybe that's just his style of speaking, but he is definitely a politician to listen to him speak. But at least he has the convictions we hold most important.

As for the naysayers on this thread, they're clearly just plants, so disregard their opinion right out of the gate. They're here to spread discord and create doubt. Their opinions are not valid in any real way. I feel sorry for them that their lives are so shallow.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack