our gov't is corrupt, plain and simple

the folks that benefit from that corruption (from big banks to big media) want no part of "change" or "reform" type candidates

Boehner was just as much in favor of Tea Party targeting by the IRS as the Obamas were. Anyone that supported Paul in the last election cycle was removed from any influential spots on committees by Boehner. (may he rot in hell)

Hilary just wiped her server of emails that were subpoenaed

she was Sec. of State for chrissakes! It's already almost out of the "news" cycle.

what a bunch of bs, politicians from both sides keep peeing on our heads and tellin us it's raining.

How long would Tricky Dick lasted if he told us and our then reps in Congress that no tapes existed?

You guys that "get" something is rotten in Denmark, realize the need for vastly different leadership in this country.

unfortunately that puts you in the minority

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.