Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Ted Cruz is not going to be the Republican nominee. Fact. Anyone want to dispute it? I'll lay $100.00 at five to one that he will not be the Republican Nominee in 2016.

Any takers? Didn't think so. You may go back and review my prognostications in previous presidential primaries/elections. You will see I have never been wrong.

The only one brave enough to take my bet(s) was Bows. PM him and ask how that turned out.

I don't take all credit, most goes to My People who work diligently to keep me ahead of this herd.

How that bet turned out was ten dollars even money. Spano always takes the favorite to win and then brags about how smart he is.

I took Sarah as a long shot and when I lost, I drug the bet out, milking it for all it was worth and all the grins I could get before I paid off.

Because I had done that, I included a small gift with the tenspot. It was the “Undefeated” Palin video.

I sent it as a parting shot and a final dig.
But also as a manifestation of why I supported and still support Sarah.

First thing, Spano trashed my gift. That was our last bet.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."