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he supports defining what marriage is and is against gay marriage ( I am too but I'm talking about America, not my world view)

While I think many people are angry with Obamacare, I still see its repeal as a conservative issue, not a national one (how many times has it been tried to be repealed?).

He's anti-immigration (and this isn't a voter thing as much as it is Republicans and Democrats do not want to enforce it)

Extending unemployment benefits promotes joblesness

He's for raising the retirement age and capping cost of life increases on Social Security to inflation rate

and that's without touching on his unconditional support of Israel and hawkish opinions on war.


So, IMO, its not all that easy to see that he won't have national appeal to moderates and undecided voters who have voted democrat or not voted at all in the past due to them finding the Republican candidate unappealing.

And this is coming from someone who is neutral on Cruz. I think he has some good things to say -- although I will admit, I am cynical on every politician so I tend to take a "prove it to me" view of them.

It goes back to that 47% Romney was talking about - until any GOP candidate, not just Cruz can tap into that then I don't see how you can say they represent what the majority of Americans want

Last edited by KFWA; 03/31/15.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings