Originally Posted by KFWA
The only way Palin would attach her name to anyone is if its a guaranteed victory.

She has too much to lose.....to lose

and while she is dumb as a box of rocks, she's smart enough to know where her future is - and that is Monday morning quarterbacking the major players to a receptive audience.

It would take someone dumb as a box of rocks not to know that every major election Palin won in Alaska was a race the pinheads said she was guaranteed to lose. Running behind in the polls against incumbents with a lot more money. They were always so surprised when she won...

Same thing happened when for the first and only time ever a VP pick turned the polls over and put the man who picked her in front of his opponent. Until he screwed that up again.

It would take someone dumber than a box of rocks not to know that eight years of endorsing long shots that won upset victories is how point guard Palin still plays her game.

Take someone who is really dumb or maybe just a stupid troll...

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."