Originally Posted by Miss Lynn
What is your favorite burger ? And no, I don't mean restaurant burgers, but rather kind you make at home and add your own touch to. What is inside the meat and on top of the meat ? or even under the meat ? what kind of meat(s) ? what is your favorite type of bun ?

A Nosey Female wants to know, and yes, I am not above stealing your ideas grin

Well, Miss Lynn, I have come to the point where I don't much care for beef burger anymore. I mix my venison 80-20 venison to pork shoulder and then when I want to make burgers I add either a whole green chorizo or half of one per pound of burger meat depending on the heat level of the chorizo. Sometimes the chorizo has a lot of heat sometimes not. I think the serranos vary quite a bit, and can be more than I can handle. To make them a little more decadent add some Oaxaca cheese cut into small chunks.

If you have to eat beef, then it needs to be round, flank or brisket carefully trimmed and ground and then mixed with the pork and chorizo.

PS Red chorizo is nowhere near as good.