Originally Posted by DocRocket
Well, yesterday I had a surfeit of empty-headed young females seeking medical attention, and at the end of the day I was literally questioning how our species can be expected to survive.

First idiot was a 22-year-old gal with a blister on her hand from being "forced" to mop the floor at work. Wanted to make a Workers Compensation claim, the whole nine yards. Now, we're not talking about much of a blister at all... less than 2cm across, not infected, but it hurt so bad she couldn't use her hand for Anything. I observed that she had clearly spent a lot of time and effort on her makeup that morning, and asked if she had done it all with her left hand? At which she goggled at me, offended as if I'd told her she was stupid. Which I guess I had done, when I think about it...

Second idiot was a 21-year-old gal who got stung by a scorpion on her foot. She was wailing and crying and carrying on, afraid she was going to die. I couldn't even see a sting site on her foot... just a little redness. I told her she would live, against terrible odds, and thanked her for causing a $400 ER charge against the Texas Medicaid account.

Third idiot was a 23-year-old mother of an infant child who was "sick". Mother was almost panicked by this. Child had coughed several hours earlier, but had been fine since. That was it. That was why she was in the ER. One cough from an 18-month-old child.

I have long held the opinion that if idiot young females were removed from the population, America would be a much healthier place, and our medical care system would be in a damned sight better financial position. I wish the above 3 cases were exceptional, but they aren't. These idiot young females flood our ER's and clinics with their hair and makeup flawlessly in place, their outfits perfectly matching, and their presenting complaints so trivial as to be ridiculous. "I just want to get it checked out," they explain, betraying the fact that they KNOW their complaint is ridiculous and the cost they are incurring to the system is unjustifiable.

Consider this: the number one ER complaint in America is abdominal pain. Guess which sex accounts for better than 75% of ER visits for abdominal pain? Yep, females, most under 35. Guess what the most common cause of abdominal pain in ER's is? Constipation. Our health care system is spending billions of dollars annually to address the fact that most women have lousy dietary and bowel habits, and don't have a clue about how to deal with their own schitt.

I could go on. But we have an erroneous assumption in health care in America that the customer is always right. And the customer rarely IS right, when it comes to emergency care. And it's bankrupting our health care system.

God only knows what will happen to these idiot young females when the free medical care gravy train grinds to a halt. I expect most of them will die of infected broken fingernails, curling iron burns, and the like.

And all I can think at the end of the day is, "Thank God I'm not young enough to consider these pneumoceph's attractive, let alone to be married to one." Seriously.

A person I know very well, a neuro radiologist, told me the other day that he and another MD had concluded, "most people are just not very good at their jobs." One could add to that, "most are not too good at life either."

I responded, "it makes sense; we learned a long time ago that most people are average And Below.." Pneumocephs are quite common as it turns out.

Edited: to be correct.

Last edited by George_De_Vries_3rd; 07/22/15.