Well, since it is accurate these days to say that people with the lowest education tend to have the poorest health outcome,
welcome to the reality of having to treat them or even deal with them. They all think they are smart and special.

I posted a bit about the new Native American program, where recovered drunks are employed to give counseling to others.
Consider a recovered drunk, a paid counselor, who has schizoaffective disorder, been on meds for a long time, who decides he doesn't need meds anymore and weans himself off. He then advises other people with chronic mental illness, that their meds, prescribed by their Dr, aren't necessary. So the new normal is the sick treating the sick. Needless to say, this counselor has a tendency to be volatile and hostile.

DocRocket may someday be out of job, because he's an educated professional....bet he'll be healthier for it.

Last edited by Wyogal; 07/22/15.