If I see any Elevator will give it a try.

Tumbleweed is doing so well around here that the local grocery store is often out, and i have to go to the local Town Pump and pay another 50 cents a sixpack.

We bought some Chainbreaker White IPA in Bozone while selling books at the gun show a couple weeks ago. It's made in Bend, Oregon along with 17 zillion other microbrews and Nosler bullets. We liked it a lot and when I flew to Oregon right after the gun show to visit Leupold's factory they had Chainbreaker and some other Bend beers at a little dinner for several gun writers. After the Leupold tour we went to Bend and never saw any Chainbreaker, but then looking for a specific beer in Bend is like looking for a specific model of fast-twist .223 among Montana hunters: There are so many it's hard to pick just one.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck