Originally Posted by Mule Deer
If I see any Elevator will give it a try.

Tumbleweed is doing so well around here that the local grocery store is often out, and i have to go to the local Town Pump and pay another 50 cents a sixpack.

We bought some Chainbreaker White IPA in Bozone while selling books at the gun show a couple weeks ago. It's made in Bend, Oregon along with 17 zillion other microbrews and Nosler bullets. We liked it a lot and when I flew to Oregon right after the gun show to visit Leupold's factory they had Chainbreaker and some other Bend beers at a little dinner for several gun writers. After the Leupold tour we went to Bend and never saw any Chainbreaker, but then looking for a specific beer in Bend is like looking for a specific model of fast-twist .223 among Montana hunters: There are so many it's hard to pick just one.

My go-to gas station (which is also a bait shop and a gun store) started carrying Bent Nail. I told them "Buy a lot, because it flies off the shelf." They insisted they'd bought plenty and they were out two days later. They've done a much better job since. I don't think most people realize how well those good IPA's sell.

If you have not done so, try Lewis and Clark's Yellowstone Beer. It's great for when you have to sober up.


Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house