Originally Posted by silver78
So why do we employees continue to honor this old tradition of giving two weeks notice. Are we collectively a bunch of suckers?

As others have said, it is more about my personal code of conduct. I worked for a company run by one of the biggest a-holes in this city. I gave a 2 week notice when I left because I'm not the a-hole, he is.

Additionally, I would be very cautious of a prospective employer that told me they needed me to start immediately and not give notice to my current employer. If they are running their business in a way that puts them in the position of needing you NOW and cannot get by for two weeks and don't give a flip about you doing the honorable thing with your soon to be former employer...that should pretty well tell you how they will treat you also.

"There's no schadenfreude like Hillary Clinton schadenfreude."
- Tamara Keel