My dear father in law cleaned out his basement and low
<br>and behold he came up with some old gun magazines.
<br>I thought this might be the right place to post this "neat
<br>stuff". Fun for thought at least in my minds eye.
<br>This Particular Mag is volume #2 October 1959.
<br>It's editor is Tom Siatos and managing editor is William
<br>Martin with Robert Hutton its technical editor.
<br>Among some of the staff are;
<br>Colonel Townesend Whelen, "dean of American riflemen," (Rifles and Shooting)
<br>P.O. Ackley "Father" of a substantial number of our modern improved and wildcat cartrides. (experimental developments)
<br>Homer McCoy ( Shotguns)
<br>Don Martin-the "old pro" few people are as qualified to
<br>write about the practical aspects of (handgunning)
<br> ( Don, just how old are you anyway?)
<br>Jeff Cooper takes on (military ordance)
<br>Alfred Akin Jr is the( optical expert)
<br>Dewey Linze (reserch)
<br>Some contributing writers are Clyde Ormond,
<br>Bob Wallack, Dick Simmons, and others.
<br>Anybody recognize any of these men?
<br>In the magazine Robert Hutton writes a a great article.
<br>Taming The Wildcats;
<br>In it he says, First bear in mind than an improved cartridge is not a wildcat under the strict definition. It is an increased capacity cartridge caused by fireforming with a factory cartridge always utilized. A wildcat is a complete change; one brought about by use of dies, hydraulic equipment, fireforming, by trimmers, or a combination of these methods.
<br>The 30-06 Ackley Improved, for example, is not a wildcat
<br>because it is produced by firing factory ammo in an enlarged chamber, and then reloading for better results.
<br>The 35 Whelen cartridge is a true wildcat because the 30-06 brass first is placed in a die and necked up to .35 caliber. The article goes on to name many wildcats.
<br>Anyway an interesting read for me at least.
<br>He, my father in law also gave me The Rifle Magazine
<br>Number ONE Jan.-Feb 1969 with a whole new generation of young writers to add to the ole salts. Its staff consitited of
<br>Neal Knox, editor
<br>Jim Carmichel associate editor
<br>John wooters " "
<br>R.T. Wolfe " "
<br>Parker Ackley, Wildcats
<br>John Buhmiller, African Rifles
<br>Harvey Donaldson, Histroical
<br>Roy Dunlap, Gunsmithing
<br>Edward Ezell, Technology
<br>Bob Hagel, Hunting
<br>Ken Waters, General Assigment
<br>Maj. George C. Nonte, Military
<br>Edward Yard, Ballistics
<br>Don Zutz, General Assignment
<br>Nice line up to say the least.
<br>It looks like a LOT of writers yesterday and today got
<br>their start and or earned their spurs with Rifle Magazine.
<br>Bet Ken helped a few get started, he'll never tell us though.
<br>or will you?