Floyd Butler HAD to be better than average or acceptable in virtually every way, for Jack McPhee to regard him as highly as he did.
<br>Jack had a Floyd Butler high-wall Winchester that usually could light matches but occasionally went wild. Butler came close to beating Jack over the head with it before Jack finally let him take it, study it, and solve its problem. That rifle just about drove Butler crazy, but he persisted and eventually found (and of course corrected) the problem -- the microscopically out-of-straight striker usually worked right but occasionally got skewed just enough to bind, thereby retarding ignition just a hair. A new Butler-made striker took care of THAT, tout de suite.
<br>-- at the cost (to Butler) of many hours of puzzlement and work but (to Jack) ne'er a thin cent.

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.