Originally Posted by nick
rlott, Point taken.
The total area is 3.5 acres. which includes some timber and a small creek. The main open area that I am thinking of trying to do something with is maybe a little more than 1/2 acre. so that would be my goal to get that spot going not the entire lot.
this smaller spot would allow me to give it a try anyway.
In a post above you mentioned Hancock...is that a good place to get seed? Any other sources?
I live in farm country so lime and fertilizer can be acquired locally can possibly get my hands on some equipt. if needed, but hoping I can get by with my "smaller" tractor and stuff.

As far as doing a soil sample...what am I looking for? and is there a chart or guide to determine what/how much I need to get to what? levels?

I appreciate the help...thanks for your time

Go to the website of the local Ag Extension Office. It's easy. Don't overthink the sampling.

I do not entertain hypotheticals. The world itself is vexing enough. -- Col. Stonehill