You're just lazy. And greedy.

The A-hole with the mules that I mentioned came into our camp and told us not to burn a fire because it would scare the elk. He was camped nearby. It was kind of warm and we didn't need a fire but we lit one up anyway.

Then he proceeded to tell us to stay away from the area he'd be hunting. We had no desire to go there but if I hadn't tagged out the next day I would've. He also told us he'd been hunti,g that spot for the last 10 years during the muzzloader season, which was BS because we'd been hunting it for the last five and never seen him.

He shot a cow but didn't recover it. He and his party of four were skunked, our party went 2 for 2. That part was sweet but they left a bunch of trash and [bleep] piles with TP everywhere.

And we wonder why hunters get a bad reputation with others.

A wise man is frequently humbled.