Originally Posted by muleshoe
I would have had the law involved.

I would have and have got the law involved 1/2 dozen times. One incident nailed the same trespassers twice in the same year.

A neighbor called me and said three guys were seen dragging a buck off of a hill side on my cabin property. I called the county sheriff department before I left and met the guys right at the fence near the road. I jumped off the ATV and commenced taking pictures, then a deputy arrived.

One of the hunters said he shot the buck on the adjoining property and tracked it into my property. They admitted they did not have permission to hunt on that property either. In the mean time, the deputy had called for warden assistance. 45 minutes later, a warden and assistant showed up. The warden inspected the carcass tag and found the hunter had not slit the month/date/time requirement on the carcass tag. He wrote out a violation ticket and confiscated the buck. Deputy gave them a ticket for trespassing.

A month later I found evidence of an attempted break-in at the cabin. Someone tried to jimmy the outside door bolt/padlock combo. Figured that and the motion sensor light deterred them.

I have a trailcam disguised in a faux birdhouse aimed at the front of the cabin. Pulled the card and found perfect images of two of the three guys I confronted earlier. Images show a guy with a flat pry bar working at the door. County sheriff was called and arrests were made.

You're Welcome At My Fire Anytime