The first thing you need to know is the Amish are treated like they're above the law in PA. The Amish were quick to take on that persona. They believe game laws and trespassing laws do not apply to them. If you call the Police/Wardens on the Amish once they find out it's about the Amish they will either try talking you out of pressing charges or they will give the Amish a good talking to and ask them not to come back again.

As far as PA hunters in general go, we have our share of complete morons. The more civilized portions of the state have decent, law abiding, respectful hunters. But there is a heck of a lot of what we call "Pennsyltucky" here. They drive roads, shoot out the truck window on posted property, shoot everything that moves whether they have tags or not, and they have zero respect for their fellow hunters. They will literally come in after daylight and sit down 50 yards away from you and when you walk over to tell them about it they will say they've been there since before daybreak and you moved in on them.