My son and 10 yr old grandson went to my farm in northern Dauphin Co. Pa. It's 188 acres of farm land and woods. They went to their tree stand, I positioned at edge of field. Like clock work, very early light, here they come 4 doe. One last years fawn followed by three little lab size fawns. I watched them enter the wood line hoping for a trailing buck. Moments later, it sounded like I was in the rice patties. At least 10 shots rang out. Totally pisst, I went down to visit the tresspassers. I found three men with three deer and one wounded on the run. One baby had 3 holes in it. My son heard me 400 yds away. (not proud of my language) All had 760 06 rifles. They said they didn't know who to ask. I explained in detail they will be going out horizonal if I ever see them on the property. They weren't back the rest of the season. The little guy shot his first buck an hour after Grampy tazed out, happy ending to frustrating day ..


Trying to get to the point in life where all I need is