A friend used to own a farm near Gettysburg that was bisected by Marsh Creek. I was siiting in my stand one opening day when here comes this orange hat working along the bank of the stream. I climbed down, really pissed, and went over to him to tell him to go back the way he came. He tells me that a stream is a public right-of-way that anyone can travel. I told him that he was free to walk in the creek, but if he stayed on the bank, I was going to call the law. He left.

Another time, we were sitting on the porch after dragging in my doe, and heard a shot on the other side near the road. Got in the car and rushed over to find a guy standing over one he had killed from his car. He said he just couldn't help himself when he saw that deer standing there. Just another road-hunting fugk out for a drive. We sent him packing, cleaned the deer, and called the warden to come pick it up.

Another time a bunch decided to drive my friend's property to guys waiting on the other side. We stopped them in the middle and told them to leave. They said "okay" and started to continue on the same way. "Oh no" we said, and made them walk straight to the nearest fence to the side, climb it and leave through the neighbor's open pasture to the road. On the way, they jumped some deer and proceded to start pumping it at them, with a whole herd of black angus in the background. How they kept from hitting beef is a mystery.

It always amazed me that an area so heavily enforced and patrolled by both wardens and the Park Service had so many goobers running around the roads looking for a "quicky". Lots of public ground nearby too.

What fresh Hell is this?