Originally Posted by rost495

Just had time finally.. well with Emil coaching wind I dont' think they could have asked for more. Emil is a great shooter and a great coach. Enjoyed my time around him at Perry for more than a few years!!! Just a great guy.

Now for all the SOBs claiming no luck... look the smallest group was 17x22... 17 tall works for a torso, but 22 wide... IIRC, well there is a miss in there... and it was only a 3 shot group.... Just saying... of course a few other shooters here know the luck involved in a first round kill on that shot.

I shot on the same relay, target next to Emil during the F-Class Nationals at Butner a dozen years ago. Agreed, he's a great guy. Emil and Bryan are the dream team of wind readers/callers, Paul ain't no slouch either...