Idaho Shooter: If I recall correctly the "guns" on the U.S.S. Missouri were 16 inch guns?
Anyway on the tour of the U.S.S. Missouri I took I distinctly remember the naval fellow giving the tour, stating, (in response to a question!) that the projectile from the U.S.S. Missouri's "big guns" weighed nearly as much as a VW Bug and flew for 25 miles.
Then (again IIRC!) I later read a story regarding these guns back in the Viet Nam War era and they were used then - the story alluded to where the U.S.S. Missouri sailed up near the shore of that country flooded some tanks on the offshore side of the battleship thus allowing the "big guns" to elevate their muzzles numerous more degrees and then some projectiles went 30+ miles inland to hit targets.
Someone please correct me if need be on these interesting facts regarding 16" naval guns.
Hold into the wind