Originally Posted by ShakyHands
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted by ShakyHands
To wrap it up, if you were to compare German glass to Japanese glass at the same price range, Germany would still win 99%

What are you smoking? The Bushnell 6500 4 1/2-30X50 goes for less than $900. The cheapest I paid for one of the four Swarovski z5 5-25-50 was $1,350. The most was $1,575. The Zeiss was $1,100 on closeout. You don't know what you're talking about.

You are trying to compare apples to oranges. Swaro does not have a $900 scope because they are not in the mass market category.

Again, Bushnell vs Swarovski is like comparing Chevy with Mercedes or Porsche. Or have you ever seen a car magazine comparing those two?

If you want to compare Bushnell to something, you need to pick some other Chinese made entry level brand. (Vortex anyone?)

Yeah, the 6500 is maybe not bad, but again, it would be a loaded Chevy that drives nice and has all the features vs Porsche.

Just not comparable, sorry.

I don't get this idea of not being able to compare things. Of course you can compare apples and oranges. Both are fruit, both are mostly round, one is rounder than another, they're different colors, etc. You can certainly compare one scope to another, regardless where it's made. Claiming otherwise shows a very limited thought process IMO.