Very few people here are advocating giving up something in exchange for nothing. To me, these devices have no value and I would never want one. Even if that is true, I still wouldn't give in to legislation, unless and only if, the left was willing to give us back something of value in exchange. For me, as I have said, I would consider SBR and suppressor deregulation in exchange for these devices. Just letting them take something and getting nothing in return is submission. Getting something of value in exchange for something I don't care about is a net victory imo. If tomorrow, SBRs and suppressors were deregulated, and you could not buy a bump stock, you don't think you are better off? But yeah, if the other side isn't willing to give us something that I consider of the same or more value in exchange, I say fuggem.

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."