Originally Posted by tpcollins
I think a border wall with sniper lookouts would make a nice deterrent.

My idea was to put towers X number of yards apart along the border with machine guns and surveillance equipment in em. You would not have to light up but one or two undocumented democrats attempting to cross and word would get around. In the near future the towers could probably be manned by robots.

Next, anyone hiring an illegal goes to jail for five years where he repays society for his crime by cleaning ditches in a chain gang in one of the Southern states where it is hot as forty hells 9 months out of the year.

Problem solved without spending billions on a wall. But the chamber of commerce Republicans, the libtards, and the snowflakes would never go for it. So I'll take the wall if I can get it.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn