The process of gaining entry to work is so long and expensive that most of them just say "To hell with it",
and get here the best way they can. That's how bad it is in Mexico.

True that, and the immigration process is absurdly convoluted. Time for the tool chest there without doubt.

It is bad in Mexico and most of the rest of the third world. It is a problem of their own making however and they need to fix what they created. The U.S. cannot fix all of what ails the planet and will descend into the same pit if we try. My take on the border, or any border is it presents as a national security issue, first and foremost. Countries such as Mexico which turn a blind eye are committing an act of war by omission of oversight in my opinion. As a country is defined by its people, the country oversees the people. Mexico looks the other way because their "model" is a failure and their exported nationals send dollars home to their loved ones. Their cartels send their product to our loved ones. I will be content to atone for sins in the afterlife, but I'm not there yet and am damn tired of this BS. We secure our borders, peaceably or violently, it matters not to me, or someday we will marvel at the news as distant videos record the swelling mushroom cloud over what was once Dallas, or some other locale of their choosing. If it takes a perfect storm to stem the tide, so be it. My land first, their needs as practical.

.02, mebbe a bit more.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain