It's sure interesting to hear the opinions of folks that don't know much about the border,or border towns.
My ranch is 55 miles from the Rio Grande River and I've had my share of illegals rolling through my place.
Hell, one chit in the middle of the dinner table in the bunk house.
For the most part,they are good folks just trying to make life better for their families.
The process of gaining entry to work is so long and expensive that most of them just say "To hell with it",
and get here the best way they can. That's how bad it is in Mexico.
I'm all for the wall. I think that the process for them to come here legally is idiotically wrong and it should
be fixed,now.
And if anyone wants to shoot those folks,go ahead. You'll have to answer for those souls one day.
I've done enough stuff in my life that I have to atone for, but knock your headlights out.
I'll pass...

I'm a big fan of the courtesy flush.