Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Hastings
I've been to Alaska twice. Drove lots of miles, talked to lots of Alaskans. They seemed like pretty good folks to me. Friendly enough. Of course everywhere I travel, rural folks are just about always outgoing and friendly, especially out west. Even rural California. They might act different I guess if I were a state trooper although I have to say that probably 90+ percent of the folks I dealt with in my 30 years as a state game warden were decent and friendly. I will say this about rural Alaska people, a lot of them are junk and scrap hoarders. There must not be much of a scrap iron market in Alaska or maybe the hauling distance is cost prohibitive. There are a lot of house places stacked up with old cars, bicycles, barrels, etc.


Not many places to dispose of 'junk and scrap', in case you hadn't noticed.

You have failed to mention the grant programs (i.e.: Free money) which sometimes pays for rural clean-up efforts and recycling. Hauling tons of steel and squashed pop cans back 'outside' for recycling.

On a personal note, I have had some success 'returning' scrap copper to outside sources which were worth the time and expense. I did have a few nice solid hunks of aluminum which I mailed out for recycling one time, hoping to make a few dollars. I think I 'earned' $8 on $11 shipping. Often, the places which people disparage for their unsightliness are also often the first places people go when they need something, since it often isn't possible to drive down to a local hardware store or whatever.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.