Originally Posted by gunswizard
Would any of you even consider a whitetail hunt on free ranging deer with an outfitter with a draw blood policy? In other words draw blood and aren't able to recover the deer and you're done hunting, pack your stuff and leave camp. I'm not talking about a high fence operation here rather free ranging fair chase deer that are property of the state.

As far as I know, that's how most outfitters run things. It's the law in most states and outfitters can lose their licenses if they disobey it. Also, the client pays the outfitter to help him hunt. There has to be a standard for the outfitter's performance, and in this case that standard is that the client gets a shot at an animal. You can't hold the outfitter responsible for a client's bad shooting.

That said, I could see the outfitter making an exception out of the goodness of his heart if something unusual happened, say if a pack of dogs or coyotes pushed the animal onto land where hunters had no right to enter in pursuit. I could also see that same guide making you wait until everyone else in camp had tagged out before you got another chance.

Frankly, I'd be suspicious of an outfitter than let clients wound as much game as they wanted.

Okie John

Originally Posted by Brad
If Montana had a standing army, a 270 Win with Federal Blue Box 130's would be the standard issue.