Originally Posted by Formidilosus
This is generally what happens within a day or two when die hard MOA users learn to use both MOA and mils correctly-

"Wow both are just numbers that I spin to and they both work the same"

and then

"Wow, you know mils is easier to see and count on the reticle"

and then

"Wow, the drop corrections are easier to remember in mils"

and then

"Wow, wind brackets are easier with mils"

And then....

"I'm selling all my MOA scopes".

Seen't it. DOZENS of times.

That's pretty much it. I've seen it a bunch of times, myself, after going through that very process myself several years ago. Though I ran both MRAD and MOA for a while while I transitioned the majority of my herd over to MRAD.

I would add this, though- "Wow, you know mils is easier to see and count on the reticle, and the turret".