But the NRA provides excellent lube for the A$$FUKING the government is continually giving Americans! What do you mean you don't want lube?!!

Most people are too stupid to understand. They can't recognize the flaws in their own arguments. They use the same words the a$$rapers use, like pragmatism, and common-sense. They don't get that they undermine their own supposed causes. They don't get that they are part of the problem. They don't get that politics is a show that the audience pays most of its money for (no kidding, really), and they don't get that they are not free, and never were. The founders of this nation were free men; the rest of us are subjugated to the fraud perpetuated with the next generation of politicians.

I scorn you stupid [bleep]. May you get what you deserve, you spineless women.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.