Go download this users manual


As long as you own the drive you might as well own the users manual........

It's only 190 pages of mind boggling schit...:-)

Now, an hour after I made this post, I've read the manual..

Looks like your drive is probably a GS2-27P5
This manual covers over a dozen different models.

It's going to suck of you can't use this drive, it's a good one
and the manual is rather straight forward and written in a form
that makes it pretty easy to find the data you'll need.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Jerryv is able to walk you
through the wire-up but I'm not liking what I am reading about
your particular model drive and single phase input.

Padded VA Hospital Rooms for $1000 Alex

Originally Posted by renegade50
My ignoree,s will never be Rock Stars on 24 hr campfire.....Like me!!!!

What are psychotic puppet hunters?