the students hearts are in the right place, it's just their motives that are misaligned.

Is this really about saving student lives? Really and truly?

If so there's other areas that are far more dangerous to students than the likelihood of them being shot by a madman at school.

Your pleas are not falling on deaf ears dear students I'm with you. I want to keep you safe.

We'll get to the danger of these firearms later as they are NOT what pose the biggest risk to your safety.

1. Raise the driving age from 16- to 21, yes we'll have to provide more funding for buses, but if it saves just one child is it not worth it?

2. Ban the use of cell phones sans for emergencies only. Cell phones are robbing you of much of your productive time at school and turning you into a form of zombies. And face it until we get #1 passed it's a proven fact you can't stay off your cell phones while driving, Very dangerous to you.

3. Any teenager caught with drugs or alcohol receives a minimum sentence of 5 years in a labor camp, where you'll be taught a trade as you work off your time.

4. Zero tolerance for bullying, 1st offense, 1 year at the aforementioned labor camp. 2. offense, the whole enchilada you're there for the 5 years with the druggies, but you're going to learn a valuable skill. You'll thank us later.

Your pleas have not fallen on deaf ears! We're with you and want to keep you safe! But let's attack the real dangers to your safety and not those that are celebrated and pimped out by the media and the left.

You want to be safer, we get that. We've got your back students.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.