
A Vizsla does (generally) NOT have the "body mass"/brute strength to fight a wild boar (and win) OR to take out a determined housebreaker.

BOTH of my girls DID do both needful tasks. = Both of "the girls" have been gone for over a decade & I still miss them.

Emily may have looked like "a pussycat" & a "champion couch potato" but she was turned into a LEOPARDESS full-grown, when an armed criminal "came to visit" our farm late one Fall evening.
(The thug spent several hours in the ER getting places that LEAKED profusely sewed-up.)

My "Dolly-GRRL" was our version of the Fouke Monster & "would fight a circle saw & give it time to warm up."

Note: I was present the night that an AR State trooper KILLED the REAL Fouke Monster, which turned out to be (by DNA) a large severely-scarred/disfigured black bear.
(She was likely burned in a woods fire, according to the late biologist Dr. Victor Oliver. - Dr. Oliver stated in an interview with THE TEXARKANA GAZETTE that the she-bear started killing stock & attacking people because she was unable to take her normal prey & that he suspected that she was "in near constant pain" .)

yours, tex

Last edited by satx78247; 04/22/18. Reason: add; clarity


William Barrett Travis, Lt.Col., comdt.
Fortress of The Alamo, Bejar
F'by 24, 1836