Originally Posted by ribka
I guess back to the main topic or point of this thread

What did the op mean by “versatile breed?”

To me that means the dog will hunt quail out in hot sage, grouse in thickets, Huns and sharpies out in the grasslands, hunt pressured wild pheasant that sprint and run over a hundred yards before taking off or back track behind you like a rabbit hunched low, bust cattails too for pheasant, Chase after and find chukars up grueling rocky ridges, break ice for ducks, retrieve a large wounded goose, sit in your blind for doves and if asked do small game

Think that tends to really narrow down breed choices

As the OP, I will explain what I meant. I guess I don't even need what most folks define as "versatile". I'm looking for a dog to "walk the woods with". One that will point a quail or woodcock on occasion, maybe trail a rabbit, tree a squirrel, and be able to sit quietly in a platform deer stand with me and track a wounded deer on occasion.
This dog aleo needs to be small and manageable enough for me to pick up and put at my ATV to ride along with me.

Perhaps I just need a mixed breed mutt from the pound.