Originally Posted by milespatton
i like a 4x4 with a boat seat on a pedestal, and a swivel right in the center. Same distance to every wall, which is just right for me. I can look out of every side, even though some of my stands only have a view in 3 directions. I can open the window and get air moving or close it and block the wind. If you have a 2x4 in the center of the wall, and you should, turn it flat so your knees will clear better. miles

Exact same for me. Love mine.

It is the www.blynd.com 4x4 model with full length door. It has survived hurricanes Ike & Harvey. But, it definitely has some battle scars. It weighs under 100 lbs so I can move it around with ease. During Ike it circled the back yard numerous times. I had brought it home for safety. Even at 100 lbs & 50 mph sustained winds at least it stayed in the yard.

By the way, in case you missed it, Jeremiah was a bullfrog.