The Disco (Discovery) and the other budget synthetic stocked rifle will get you in the game,but must be pumped or supplied air filled at a cost almost equal to or exceeding the cost of the gun.
Remember it looks like a bike pump, but you are charging a 2,000 psi charge.
Good thing about the Disco or Maximus(?) is their light weight, and can be packaged into a nice package from some of the on line stores.
Look for videos on both of those on youtube.
Minute of Coke can at 25 yards . . . . Both of those should give you minute of "O" on the side of the can at 25 yards.
Of course the Marauder is a leap up in price and performance and weight.

Someone came out with a big bottle air supply gun that is supposed to be very accurate and all at a budget price, but my mind is blank.

Several sites around dedicated to airguns too.

Last edited by LouisB; 07/01/18.

Some spelling errors can be corrected by a vowel movement.