i could have phrased the question better. let me use an analogy: i have bowhunting buddies who use compounds with four pins set at 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards and they can consistently hit 9" pie plates at those ranges with those setups. but some of them use mechanical broadheads, and so won't shoot at a game animal at 40 yards, for fear of inadequate penetration. others are confident to shoot plates at 40 yards but not game animals past 20...regardless of broadhead. I use a recurve and won't chance a shot on deer past 20 yards.

so with respect to LRH, if you are going to limit yourself to very simple equipment, no range finder, no turret twisting, etc. then what "primitive" combo sets you up for success and what would your longest comfortable range for that setup be? So, to use Shrapnel's reply for example, he seems extremely confident with that setup he described out to 300 yards, and perhaps further, where he is relying on his experience, knowledge of chosen load's trajectory, how to dope wind, estimated range to an animal given its size in the scope, and how to extract the most out of his reticle for ranging.