Originally Posted by iddave
Let me start with this...I am NOT judging your approach. As long as it's legal, have at it brother.

I have to ask though...have you had much success road-hunting in the past? I'm sincerely asking because in Idaho at least, I can only remember maybe a single elk in the last 25 years I've taken that I could even get a full-size vehicle remotely close to it.

I'd LOVE to be able to winch an elk out of course, but the only place I seem to be able to find elk are in remote locations that require a great degree of suffering and sweat to remove.

Private land maybe? I'm slumming it on NF lands myself, so that could certainly explain it.

I'm mostly just genuinely curious as to whether or not you've been able to have some success with this approach in the past, as I'm getting well on the North side of 40 and my days of doing it my way are certainly numbered.


That’s pretty funny....You haven’t read much or seen what and how I hunt. I know you’re question is legit... It just made me laugh....Stringing a 1/2 mile or more of rope into some of the steepest, thickest schit you’ll ever hate yourself for killing an elk in, is a far cry from road hunting...😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”