Originally Posted by iddave
Jesus H you guys are an industrious bunch.

There simply aren’t any roads where I’m at to get a vehicle hooked up to.....but I do use a dirt bike in a few areas I hunt that have single-track, motorized trail access. Generally avoid ATV routes due to the immense traffic they generally have, but the single-track stuff I occasionally hunt weeds out all but the very best bike riders.

Maybe I can figure out a way to anchor something to the old DRZ....


Dave it's totally different hunting/country for sure. Our ground is a Hodge podge of shiit, cut up by roads, because there's a lot of timber harvested here

Ping pong balls for the win.
Once you've wrestled everything else in life is easy. Dan Gable
I keep my circle small, I’d rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies.

Ain’t easy havin pals.