Originally Posted by iddave
Jesus H you guys are an industrious bunch.

There simply aren’t any roads where I’m at to get a vehicle hooked up to.....but I do use a dirt bike in a few areas I hunt that have single-track, motorized trail access. Generally avoid ATV routes due to the immense traffic they generally have, but the single-track stuff I occasionally hunt weeds out all but the very best bike riders.

Maybe I can figure out a way to anchor something to the old DRZ....


I was assuming there would be a lot of guys running a drum reel with rope or cable to make long pulls on large animals out of steep, ugly country. Apparently it’s more of a NW thing, maybe due to our logging history...

As for running a Capstan Winch. Personally, I think it’s the next best thing to a truck mounted reel. It may or may not help your hunt- only you’ll know if there is a situation that winching would be better than packing. Here’s the link to the outfit I used to purchase my Capstan. If you wait, just before hunting season they usually run a “Hunting Special” where you get the Honda winch and 800’ft of low stretch nylon rope with shipping for $1000. 😎


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”