Originally Posted by Bristoe
My approach to it all is pragmatic.

Don't want to deal with azzhole cops?,.....then don't live in schitthole cities.

24% Caucasian+black mayor=schitthole city resulting in azzhole cops.

Your solution isn’t pragmatic it’s wistful dreaming at best and flawed logic of a coward at worst. You folks in the south sure bitch about blacks a lot but yet you don’t move away from them. Moving or running from your home, job, friends and family is NOT pragmatic....it’s downright chickenchit cowardice. It’s unbelievable how many surrender monkeys there are here rather than men willing to take a stand in their community and fight the gestapo state. JFC...

This family was inside their house when the “good guys” broke in and murdered them. Moving to another place doesn’t garner you immunity from being murdered INSIDE your home by the cops. To blame this on the racial composition of a city rather than at the feet of the police department is a cop out (no pun intended). This chit happens all over the country on a fairly regular basis and is a product of police culture and attitudes. Moving does NOTHING to change overall police culture, just ask Jack Yantis.

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~