Sure. We actually have a lot of kids from rural Alaska get charged with big ticket violations and forced to come into town to serve time at Fairbanks Golden Heart Academy and then they live with foster parents under probation until they can return to their villages. One who was one of my students, shot a Grizzly that was breaking into his grandpa's Qunisaq (entry). He killed it but he didn't skin it and turn it over to the state. A trooper came in from Kotzebue and cited him for wanton waste and assaulting an officer after the kid took a swing at him because the trooper took his hunting rifle without explaining to him why he was doing it. The kid who was a leading member of a state championship basketball team was moved into Fairbanks where because of his foster parents was unable to play basketball at all.

I have seen waste but I have also seen waste out on the Steese during the Forty Mile Caribou hunt that is absolutely a lot worse. I would challenge anybody to prove to me that it isn't.
Most people from the villages respect the land. The ones who don't generally are as uneducated as the slob hunters who are urban. They spend all of their time playing call of duty and ordering from Eastbay.