Its part of the stomach, turned inside out and washed. It doesn't taste bad.

The liver, if it doesn't have any flukes, cold-washed in a creek till its blue, is probably one of the best pieces of meat in most herbivores that you hunt. Dall sheep often have liver flukes but I have had dall sheep liver and their testicles sliced and pan fried and its good.

There is some stuff that gets cooked up that would test the will of any westerner. The little chickadees that the young boys catch on berries and then put them in river banks to ferment or fermented seal guts that are held in a seal polk to season the oil and are sliced up as Inupiaq chewing gum. I used to eat (you have to eat there is no way out of it) traditional porcupine from my adopted native grandma who would take the whole porky guts and all and put him in a campfire that was burned down and just coals. She would roll him around in the coals with an old shovel. The quills would burn on and the outside meat would be charred and the inside meat would be a little pink. That took some getting used to.

Last edited by kaboku68; 06/04/19.