Originally Posted by Steve Redgwell

Well, you gotta give him an A for effort. Not that it did him any good.

I'm surprised that we're still using ft-lbs, grains and fps instead of Newton-Metres, grams, and metres per second up here. Until 2016, we were still teaching those archaic measurements at the military school where I taught. smile

Funny thing the Canadian metric system.
Every time I ever ask a Canadian directions, up there, they used miles.
I always ask miles or kilometres?
And I always heard, "We use miles more than kilometers".
That was 20 years ago, those older folk may be the exception today.

Your F'n metric system damn near killed me.
I was in Montreal during a snowstorm, load of paper in the trailer.
The ramp was posted 45. A good old American boy, new to Canadian ways,
I slowed down to 40. A little too fast for that turn. Things got real, real quick!
Nothing got bent, nothing even stained(it was close, young muscles saved the BVD's)!

Well maybe it was my fault?
I never forgot to watch that again.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!