Originally Posted by rickt300
Originally Posted by zeissman
Originally Posted by Borchardt
[quote=rickt300]There are two kinds of countries in the world, those that have been to the Moon and those that use the metric system.

You reckon that NASA scientists didn't use metric measurements and calculations? LMAO.

No they didn't when the USA put a man in the moon.

Actually, they used a mix of metric and non-metric for that mission. The software for the lunar lander was configured for metric units, but NASA and especially the astronauts wanted readouts and input in US customary units, because they were used to them, so the software was configured to do the conversions to allow the systems to run in metric and the displays and inputs in US units. The Apollo 11 Mission Report is also in a mix of metric and US units.That sort of mixing of units was later found to be the direct cause of the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter, as a result of which NASA announced quite some years ago that metric is the system to be used.

Meantime, I can't remember when Liberia and Myanmar got to the moon. When was that?