Originally Posted by TheKid
Probably better swap them out Sammo. Dad had one on his pickup lose a cap and ruin a fender a couple years ago. $4400 worth at the body shop.


I had a manufacture defective tire cut lose at 60 MPH, and tear the wheel well and fender to pieces, bend the brake line, and rip the Anti-lock break wire in half.

When that tread gets through slapping around inside of there, it looks like a Lumberjack took a 12lb sledge, and spent a day re-arranging the metal when you finally get off the road and get out to observe the damage.

That's why the tire shops won't re-mount an old tire onto your spare, even if the tread still has good depth. I think Discount Tire told me the age cut-off is only 5 years old. They won't touch it except for removal.

Send them over to Ohio, so that guy with the unwanted horses running in his pasture will have feed troughs for grain.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)