Originally Posted by SamOlson
The toughest sxs is a Honda Pioneer.
(the Ford...)

Rides like a POS.

Polaris for general duty.

This from a Q/A in October, 2018:

I’ve been doing some online research and found your article on the Honda Pioneer 1000 problem. We have had a lot of luck with our machines, but a lot of our friends in the industry are coming to us for help because they seem to be replacing clutches all the time. We know the basic cause—driver error and overheating—but we haven’t busted into our transmission yet to see what’s wearing out. Again, ours are great, but if my clutch was an issue, what would I expect to see? Thanks for the help!

Erik Brunner


According to Honda, all the Pioneer 1000’s clutch problems are driver error. Basically, if you are not on level ground at speed, they want you in low range to stop the #1 clutch packs from slipping and overheating. Slow-speed work in high range with passengers and/or cargo/towing a trailer will cause the clutch packs to slip and overheat. And don’t even try to get out of a mud hole if your tires are in gumbo mud and don’t want to turn. And, you can’t use reverse to back out because that is a bit too tall and will burn the #1 clutch packs further. Your only Honda-approved remedy is to be towed or winched out! Once the friction material overheats and glazes over, the #1 clutch will slip or shudder during the transition from a dead stop to forward or reverse movement. Honda’s remedy is a new clutch cover that provides additional cool oil to the twin #1 clutch packs. Nothing has been done to address the weakness of the #1 clutch packs to handle abuse because, according to Honda, it is operator abuse as documented in their Service Bulletin SxS1000 #3, plus the official letter given to purchasers of the 1000s, basically reminding purchasers to follow the operating guidelines as outlined in the owner’s manuals: “Dummy!” So, what will you find? Most likely a standard wet-plate clutch that has been overheated, Boot. A charcoal smell to the plates and maybe the oil. The clutch packs, if disassembled, and the friction discs would be dark in color and glazed shiny. Dismissed!

The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...