Upon hearing gunfire, my first reaction would be to duck and assess where the fire was coming from and how far away it was and go from there. Could I have thwarted the shooter? I do not know for a certainty. Would I have? Yes, if I had the opportunity to actually do so. Who knows . . .

I carry 99% of the time I am out and about, except where I am not, by law, allowed to carry. In the years I have had my CCW, I have only come close to drawing it one time, but didn't need to or have to. It was a rush (not a good rush BTW) and did not involve gunfire from anywhere, which was a huge relief. A guy and his GF were being chased by 3 or 4 LEO vehicles and came up the main runway in front of the store, slammed on his brakes, jumped out and ran into the store. He ended up stopping his ride about 20 feet from my bride and me. This was, not surprisingly, in a Wal*Mart parking lot.

Someday I hope to be the person my dogs think I am . . .
The only true cost of having a dog is its death.
Someone once said "a nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."
Shiloh Sharps . . . there is no substitute.
NRA Endowment Member