Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
Guy sees a sign in the yard of a farm house, "Talking Dog - $10". Intrigued, he drives up to the house and asks the farmer if his dog really could talk. So the farmer turns to the dog and says, "Jake, tell the man about yourself."

So Jake, the dog, says to the man. "Well, I started out as a bomb sniffing dog in the military and did two deployments to Iraq. I discovered dozens of IED's and saved the lives of my unit countless times. After I retired from that I became a rescue dog, finding victims of earthquakes and so forth. I've been to Turkey, China and Japan and personally found over fifty people trapped beneath rubble. Now that I'm getting older my master has me at stud and I get $1000 per session. My pups have won over 25 regional and national championships."

The man looks at the farmer incredulously and says, "this dog is amazing! Why are you selling him for only $10?!"

The farmer leans in toward the man and whispers to him, "he's a compulsive liar, he ain't never done any of them things...."

LOL. grin