A well socialized dog of any breed besides pits won’t try and kill a random stray dog.

Bred to kill other animals. That simple.everyone one is a walking time bomb. Only idiots would believe otherwise.

Originally Posted by Marley7x57
Do not own any dogs at the moment. Never did own a pit bull either. Been around them a lot though and none of them bit anybody, however, if a stray dog came around the fight was on.

Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by Marley7x57
Really? Please provide relevant statistics or facts to back up your assertions you make.

Here are facts that should change your mind:

Are pit bulls naturally aggressive?
According to the American Temperament Test Society, pit bulls have a temperament passing rate of 86.7%. This is lower than dogs such as the beagle, Border collie, and Chihuahua. A lack of discipline or training could make any dog, including the pit bull, dangerous, though.

What is the number one reason pit bulls bite?
Just like any other breed, pit bulls that bite do so out of lack of training and socialization. This is more of an owner error than a dangerous dog issue. In fact, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, it is not within a pit bull's inherent characteristics to bite humans.

What is the top breed regarding aggression towards humans?
This may shock you, but dachshunds and Chihuahuas exhibit the largest amount of aggression towards humans. This includes both strangers and the dog's owner. Pit bull terriers are more known for aggression towards unknown dogs than humans.


One other interesting fact:

Frequency distributions revealed that 100% of the owners of High Risk dogs had either one criminal conviction or traffic citation. Furthermore, 30% of the High Risk Cited dog owners had at least 5 criminal convictions or traffic citations \.


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God I love this place.

Soooooo, how many do you own?